The Top 5 Pokémon Characters

The Top 5 Pokémon Characters

There have been more than 700 pokemon characters ever since the game was launched back in the 90s. Most of these characters have been phased and new characters have been introduced. The first ever pokemon was called Rhydon, which was a rock and ground pokemon. Ever since then we have witnessed pokemons which have gained worldwide popularity and redefined the game. The debate on which are the best or most powerful pokemon characters varies from one individual to another. However, we all can agree that some pokemon characters deserve to be in the list and without further ado let’s take a look at the top pokemon characters.


From a cute little chameleon, Charizard has evolved to become a monstrous fire breathing dragon. Perhaps the most noticeable difference between Charmander and Charizard is the size and the wings on the back. It is characterized by dragon features such as dragon breath and pulse. It has blaze and solar power among its ammunition and is the pokemon with the most moves.


Pikachu is arguably one of the most popular pokemons of all time especially among people who are not avid enthusiasts of the franchise. Pikachu was first introduced in the green and red version of the game in Japan. The Pikachu character has been the ambassador of the franchise since then and it it estimated that Pikachu is promoted 9000% more than any other character. Pokemon has defeated two other legendary pokemons and is considered as one of the strongest pokemon.

Fun Fact: You can differentiate between the male and female Pikachu by the shape of their tail. The male Pikachu has a straight edged tailed while the female has a more curved tailed.


This list would not be complete without this feline-humanoid character. Mewtwo is the only pokemon created through cloning and was inspired by the pokemon called Mew and that’s where Mewtwo get its name. Mewtwo has immense power which makes it one of the most domineering characters in the Pokemon franchise. Mewtwo has almost human like qualities such as pride which also makes Mewtwo very sophisticated. Mewtwo is one of the few pokemons that have mega evolution ability


Gengar was the first the first full evolved ghost-type pokemon. At the time of Gengar’s introduction he was also the only pokemon of his kind in the generation one. That is partly what led to the massive popularity and success of Gengar. Sugumori, the art director and creator of pokemon character even termed Gengar as his best character in the franchise. Gengar was initially named “Phantom” in the beta version of Pokemon red and blue.


The last but not least is Lugia, the legendary pokemon. Lugia resembles a dragon and has been the mascot of the three different Pokemon games. It is also one of the few pokemon from the legendary group that is believed to have the ability to bear an offspring. Lugia moves to the bottom of the sea to conserve energy and restrict its power which makes some people confuse Lugia for a water type pokemon.
