The Top 5 Mega Man Characters

The Top 5 Mega Man Characters

Mega Man has been an icon in the gaming industry with its presence lasting for over 30 years. Almost all of us know of Mega Man and his powers but the game has grown to have some powerful characters over time. Here are some of the top Mega Man characters that make the game interesting.


Sigma is one of the characters from Mega Man X. He is considered among the top Mega Man characters. He is meant to lead the Maverick Hunters, he is a product of Dr. Cain. Sigma’s primary purpose was to maintain peace between machines and man but unfortunately got infected with some virus coming from Zero’s capsule. This makes him go crazy trying to eliminate anything that’s standing in his way. Sigma gets to a point whereby he wants to destroy humanity. Making it worse, he has the power to infect other machines with the virus. He is unstoppable, in fact, the most powerful.

Bass / Forte

Bass was introduced in Mega Man 7. He is a product of Wily and was meant to be better than the design of Mega Man after intensive research. Bass and Mega Man are both Wily’s creations and it is obvious Bass is introduced to destroy Mega Man but unfortunately Bass ends up being rebellious. He has a robot dog that he can merge with and it makes him transform into Super Bass. He becomes a flying hazard with an annoying array of attacks. He is one interesting and powerful character.


Just before Dr. Willy dies, he made the character Zero. Dr. Light put Zero in hibernation. Sigma finds the capsule for Zero, he wakes him up and witnesses as Zero destroys the things in that room. But after some time, Zero gets to cool down and just like X he learns of the world and joins Maverick Hunters. He becomes powerful and sometimes proves to be way stronger compared to X. He even saves X’s life a number of times. Zero has incredible abilities. Out of all Dr. Wily’s creations, Zero is the greatest one.

Pharaoh Man

Pharaoh Man is a creation of Dr. Cossack. He was designed to look like the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. He was originally created to assist in archaeology whereby he could uncover treasures from the pyramids. After a short period, his creation was discovered by Dr. Wily. He is forced by Dr. Wily to design the bot in a way that it can terminate Mega Man. The modifications of Pharaoh Man were a shield, some solar-powered weapons, and levitation ability. He can also summon robots. He has amazing abilities like using solar energy as a weapon, he also commands an army of robots.

Mega Man X

Mega Man X is a creation of Dr. Cain. After years of Dr. Light having X in hibernation, the awakening of Mega Man X is here and he competes against the Maverick Hunters. X awakens in a period whereby humans and robots are at war and he feels chaotic about the situation. He, therefore, thinks of a way to help robots and humans from being consumed by Maverick bots. Mega Man X has incredible potential and is strong enough to destroy bosses in the game. He surely takes a place in the top Mega Man characters.
