Legend of Zelda an overview On The Nintendo 3DS

Legend of Zelda an overview On The Nintendo 3DS

The most mystical Zelda in history comes back on Nintendo 3DS. Several months after rescuing Princess Zelda and the world of Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Link is once again the only hope of an entire people. While riding on the back of Epona in the forest, our hero is surprised by a so-called Skull Kid, a young boy wearing the maleficent mask Majora. The latter steals his faithful steed and the Ocarina of Time, before fleeing. Link finds himself strangely projected in the parallel world of Termina where locals tell him that the end of the world is near. Indeed Skull Kid would push the Moon to crash on Termina and its inhabitants … in 72 hours! 3 days,


• A unique experience on New Nintendo 3DS:

Wonderfully reworked graphics, and a stabilized 3D relief so that unique and magical lands literally jump to your eyes.

The second stick integrated into the New Nintendo 3DS facilitates the progression of the player and control of the camera.

The gyroscopic movement recognition of the New Nintendo 3DS allows for example to aim at the bow like a real archer.

The bottom screen makes your life easier : Map, inventory, etc. No need to break!

• Down the masks: Change masks to change powers, transform Link into Mojo, Goron or Zora. Wearing the Mojo mask for example, Link can bounce off the water and spit bubbles, but will be vulnerable to fire.

• The life of the Terminians, what’s more strange for a people than to know that they only have 3 days to live? Some panic, others let themselves die, there are some who prefer to feign ignorance. The key to saving the world is in them, so it’s up to you to question them and help them in their everyday life to move forward in the adventure.

• 3 days to save the world is short, but with the Ocarina of Time, you can travel from one day to another to change the destiny of each Terminian, and perhaps counteract the curse of the Moon. Termina evolves according to the days, for example, the Tower of Bourg-Clocher grows as and when the carpenters build it.

• Epona is here to help you cross the plains of Termina, this mysterious place, a kind of world parallel to the world of Hyrule.

• Dungeon puzzles will not resist your ability to change appearance and dexterity to use bow and other bombs.

After defeating Ganondorf, Link continues his quest for identity through the lost woods where he meets a certain Skull Kid, a young boy wearing the evil Majora Mask. The latter dispossess Link of Epona, his faithful mount, as well as the Ocarina of the Time, before fleeing, leaving Link disappearing in a world parallel to Hyrule: Termina. The inhabitants of Termina inform Link of the sinister destiny promised to their world: the Moon threatens to crash on them … in only 3 days! It would probably be related to the same Skull Kid that Link has crossed before. In order to avoid the apocalypse, Link must wake up the 4 giants of the world of Termina, only they are able to push back the Moon. To achieve his quest, Link can not deprive himself of his Ocarina of Time, which is why he hastens to chase Skull Kid!


• Link : The hero with the green tunic is back, not to save Princess Zelda, but to save the world this time!

• Skull Kid : Appearing suddenly in front of Link, this boy wears a strange and mysterious mask, which contains powers of unsuspected power.

• Taya : A fairy, a little pretentious and annoying. Despite its character, Link can count on her in this adventure. His brother is the fairy who accompanies Skull Kid.

• Epona : Link’s Fidel steed, accompanying him from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

• The Masks Vendor: Former owner of the Majora Mask, he is the only one to really know the evil powers that haunt the latter.

• The Mojo tribe : This vegetable people live in a palace surrounded by water from Bois-Cascade. By royal decree, the palace is forbidden to non-Mojos.

• The Goron tribe : The Gorons live east in the mountainous area of ​​Pic des Neiges. Although accustomed to low temperatures, they are subject to a curiously cold climate.

• The Zora tribe : This aquatic people is very sensitive to climate change. The Indigos, the famous group Zora, is a hit with all breeds.

INNOVATIONS: The Zelda with the most unique atmosphere resurfaces under the mask of the new Nintendo 3DS. Link is then evolving in settings with reworked graphics with the addition

of visual effects that reinforce the immersion. The game takes on a whole new dimension when the 3D effect is activated, even more stable is finer on the new Nintendo 3DS. The New Nintendo 3DS movement recognition also lets you use Link’s bow as if you were holding it yourself by moving the console!
