The Top 5 Halo Characters

The Top 5 Halo Characters

If you have ever played Halo Universe, you know that there are many interesting characters you can select while playing the game. The following are the five top halo characters you can try out.

Noble Six

Noble Six is the protagonist of the game. He replaced a member of Noble who was killed in combat and has a service record that was extensively redacted. Being the original Spartan meant for Cortana, he got a ride off Reach after his teammates were killed. A third-generation Spartan who is tougher than an average man but can’t be compared to the second generation of Spartans in toughness. He has a completely customizable armory and has no name. What makes him a preferred choice is the fact that he is designed to make the player feel like and relate to his character.

Master Chief

His character doesn’t say much, and the player controls all the ass-kicking he does. As the series progresses, the chief grows from a mute robot to a human that you will sympathize with. He was kidnapped from his home while still a kid and forcibly augmented by Catherine Hasley to serve as a defender to her colonies on earth. Master Chief is the ultimate soldier whose life circles around battle and dealing with the bad guys. Gamers like him because the of the mystery in a humble guy who has become accustomed to killing and treats it like a cup of tea.

Edward Buck

He is the team leader in Halo 3 in the battle for New Mombasa. He is played by Nathan Fillian, a character that isn’t given ample time for people to get familiar with. In the series, he is considered as the weakest in a generic story where the main character is a fool. There is also a great limit to the selection of weapons.


She has been with the chief from the very beginning of the series. Their relationship is interesting and borders romantic, basically, the only person that can be considered close to being the chief’s partner. An AI who begins to fall apart by the time you get to Halo 4, this is because she has been too active in the development of her character stretching eleven years. Her destiny remains a mystery, and it makes the player hope for her survival in merging with a forerunner system.

John Forge

He is originally from the game Halo Wars, which is the sole non-shooter game in the Halo game series. The badass of the game, John Forge succeeded in killing the current Arbiter who comes before Thel Vadamee. A UNSC frigate is taken to Shield World where a forerunner planet is used as the Flood reservoir. The group has no choice but to fight off the Flood when it gets loose as well as the Covenant forces. John Forge doesn’t back down in the battle; he is arrogant and brash; remaining noble till it ends. He dies similarly as Jorge. Sacrificing his own life to save his troop, he activates a device manually while trying to save his men from a collision with the Shield World’s sun and ends up dying from this. John Forge is also the one who made Grizzley, a new tank that was stronger and far much larger.
